I don't know about you but most days in quarantine feel exceptionally long. I've been trying to focus more on self-care these days as a way to boost my mood and give myself little treats to look forward to. One of the best things I've done to help unwind after those aforementioned long days, is to create an evening bath ritual.
I set the mood with this great Spotify playlist, light a candle and sink into a warm bath filled with something lightly scented and soothing and soak away the day.
With all the money I'm saving on morning commute iced coffees and lunches out, I've been treating myself to new salts, bubbles, soaps, and masks. Some are definitely splurges and others are affordable little luxuries. Apres bath, depending on my mood, I moisturize my skin with this intoxicating oil or this luxurious body cream, and the ritual is complete.
Here are my favorite finds to help recharge your mind, body and spirit. Click images for links.